Balance sheet

ASSETS 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
Intangible rights 14,595.96 24,417.78
14,595.96 24,417.78
Tangible assets
Machinery and equipment 96,187.34 128,249.50
96,187.34 128,249.50
Non-current assets total 110,783.30 152,667.28
Current assets
Short-term receivables
Accounts receivable 2,363,355.33 3,152,890.52
Other receivables 4,672.61 7,418.71
Prepayments and accrued income 11,679,746.20 655,330.07
14,047,774.14 3,815,639.30
Other shares and similar rights of ownership 3,035,864.00 2,759,050.13
3,035,864.00 2,759,050.13
Cash and cash equivalents 9,476,052.00 6,281,927.03
Current assets total 26,559,690.14 12,856,616.46
ASSETS TOTAL 26,670,473.44 13,009,283.74
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 31/12/2021 31/12/2020
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
Unrestricted equity
Unrestricted equity reserve 2,968,128.27 2,968,128.27
Retained earnings 111,202.31 1,861,094.91
Profit (loss) for the financial period –1,251,791.88 –1,723,217.27
Equity total 6,827,538.70 8,106,005.91
Reserve for contingencies
Other reserve for contingencies 523,574.00 477,452.00
Current liabilities
Advance payments received 0.00 15,209.10
Accounts payable 776,642.85 1,290,056.05
Other liabilities 743,117.58 655,880.04
Accruals and deferred income 17,799,600.31 2,464,680.64
19,319,360.74 4,425,825.83
Liabilities total 19,319,360.74 4,425,825.83
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES TOTAL 26,670,473.44 13,009,283.74