New electronic tools make tendering easier

Two completely new systems were introduced in 2021 to make procurement easier. The tendering and order system for cars was introduced at the start of the year, and it is already used a lot. The mini-tendering assistant for tendering under dynamic purchasing systems was completed in the summer in connection with the small-scale acquisition service. It will be implemented in stages during the autumn and winter.

“We tried to make the service as easy to use as possible for those arranging tendering occasionally.”

Because the mini-tendering assistant is intended for customers for whom the deployment and use of a full-scale tendering system would be too big in relation to the number or size of tendering, the aim was to make the service as easy to use as possible for those who arranged tendering only occasionally. The mini-tendering assistant helps find the right templates for tendering, offers directions for publishing the invitation to tender to the right suppliers and the tools for choosing the most suitable offer, and sends automated procurement and exclusion decisions to the right recipients.

The offer process for cars is running smoothly

The tendering process for cars has also been made as easy as possible, both for the customer and the supplier. The customer mainly arranges the tendering using the form for invitations to tender, and they can click on the requirements and tools they want. After checking the offers, the winning one is chosen, and the procurement and exclusion decisions are formed automatically based on the customer’s selections.

The order is placed based on the information of the winning offer with a few simple clicks. For the suppliers, the system filters out the car models that best suit the invitation to tender, and it makes retrieving the additional information to make an offer as easy as possible by suggesting the chosen car model’s accessories and starting prices, for example.

All Hansel’s electronic procurement systems are developed continuously following customer wishes.