The possibility of auditing was discussed

One of the Corporate Responsibility Team significant reports in 2021 concerned the responsibility audits of suppliers. We hired a consultant to help, which proved a good choice, because the topic is extensive and difficult. The consultant’s work finished in October, and it contained plenty of information on trends in legislation, auditing models and methods, and various certification and standardisation systems.

In December 2021, Hansel decided to launch two development projects for it. The first is on joint procurement risk assessment and responsibility monitoring. The risk assessment will be included in the preliminary survey process of joint procurement projects, and it will be used to determine the responsibility monitoring of joint procurement during the agreement term. For the responsibility monitoring, Hansel will build a process, define responsibilities, and decide the monitoring methods.

“For the responsibility monitoring, Hansel will build a process, define responsibilities, and decide the monitoring methods.”

In the other development project, we will get a third party to perform a responsibility audit for us as a pilot for the first time. The survey of responsibility audits exposed challenges, and the party that performed the survey recommended that we start audits with Finnish companies. Keeping the pilot in mind, we will start with the principles important to us, such as the equal treatment of suppliers.